Parliament Website

Hon Member For Stockton South

EDM number 239 in 1989-90, proposed by David Clelland on 19/12/1989.

That this House notes that the honourable Member for Stockton South, in condemning as carpetbagging the selection of the Labour candidate for Hartlepool thereby condemns himself, having shown no previous interest in the North East or Stockton prior to his own Parliamentary candidature; concludes that the predominance of southerners in the diminutive northern Tory group of honourable Members demonstrates a lack of interest in the people of the north by northern Conservatives; and anticipates the further diminution of the Northern Parliamentary Group following the next general election.

This motion has been signed by a total of 16 MPs.

David Clelland19/12/1989Tyne BridgeProposed
Doug Henderson19/12/1989Newcastle upon Tyne NorthSigned
John McWilliam19/12/1989BlaydonSigned
Nick Brown19/12/1989Newcastle upon Tyne EastSigned
Jim Cousins19/12/1989Newcastle upon Tyne CentralSigned
Dennis Turner19/12/1989Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Ernie Ross20/12/1989Dundee WestSigned
Peter Hardy20/12/1989WentworthSigned
John McAllion20/12/1989Dundee EastSigned
William McKelvey20/12/1989Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Ian McCartney09/01/1990MakerfieldSigned
John Cummings10/01/1990EasingtonSigned
Eric Illsley11/01/1990Barnsley CentralSigned
Tony Lloyd11/01/1990StretfordSigned
Keith Vaz12/01/1990Leicester EastSigned
Tommy Graham18/01/1990Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned

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