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Attitude Of The Hon. Member For Rossendale And Darwen To The Ambulance Dispute

EDM number 204 in 1989-90, proposed by Peter L Pike on 13/12/1989.

That this House welcomes the support given by the honourable Member for Rossendale and Darwen to the ambulance men in their current dispute; notes that he has indicated in a letter to the Secretary of State for Health that he can see the logic of the ambulancemen's demands and asking him to take another look; regrets that the honourable Member supported the Government in the division in the debate on 9th November; and hopes that he will now further consider his position and logically press the Secretary of State for Health to refer the position to arbitration and achieve an immediate acceptable solution to this dispute in which the ambulancemen have such overwhelming public support and a fully justified case,

This motion has been signed by a total of 80 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.

Peter Pike13/12/1989BurnleyProposed
Keith Bradley13/12/1989Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Nigel Griffiths13/12/1989Edinburgh SouthSigned
Ronald Brown13/12/1989Edinburgh LeithSigned
Ronnie Campbell13/12/1989Blyth ValleySigned
Tom Clarke13/12/1989Monklands WestSigned
Harry Cohen13/12/1989LeytonSigned
Jeremy Corbyn13/12/1989Islington NorthSigned
Tom Cox13/12/1989TootingSigned
Alistair Darling13/12/1989Edinburgh CentralSigned
Ron Davies13/12/1989CaerphillySigned
Terry Davis13/12/1989Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie13/12/1989Glasgow, PollokSigned
Alexander Eadie13/12/1989MidlothianSigned
John Evans13/12/1989St Helens NorthSigned
Harry Ewing13/12/1989Falkirk EastSigned
Derek Fatchett13/12/1989Leeds CentralSigned
Norman Godman13/12/1989Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Llin Golding13/12/1989Newcastle-under-LymeSigned
Diane Abbott13/12/1989Hackney North & Stoke NewingtonSigned
Win Griffiths13/12/1989BridgendSigned
Tony Banks13/12/1989Newham North WestSigned
John Battle13/12/1989Leeds WestSigned
Gerry Steinberg13/12/1989Durham, City ofSigned
Jack Thompson13/12/1989WansbeckSigned
Dennis Turner13/12/1989Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Keith Vaz13/12/1989Leicester EastSigned
Alan Wynne Williams13/12/1989CarmarthenSigned
David Winnick13/12/1989Walsall NorthSigned
Audrey Wise13/12/1989PrestonSigned
Chris Mullin13/12/1989Sunderland SouthSigned
Max Madden13/12/1989Bradford WestSigned
Terry Patchett13/12/1989Barnsley EastSigned
Dawn Primarolo13/12/1989Bristol SouthSigned
Jeff Rooker13/12/1989Birmingham, Perry BarrSigned
Dennis Skinner13/12/1989BolsoverSigned
Andrew Smith13/12/1989Oxford EastSigned
Chris Smith13/12/1989Islington South & FinsburySigned
John Smith13/12/1989Vale of GlamorganSigned
Peter Snape13/12/1989West Bromwich EastSigned
Peter Hardy13/12/1989WentworthSigned
Harriet Harman13/12/1989PeckhamSigned
David Hinchliffe13/12/1989WakefieldSigned
Jimmy Hood13/12/1989ClydesdaleSigned
Kim Howells13/12/1989PontypriddSigned
Ken Livingstone13/12/1989Brent EastSigned
Tony Lloyd13/12/1989StretfordSigned
Calum MacDonald13/12/1989Na h-Eileanan an IarSigned
Alice Mahon13/12/1989HalifaxSigned
Eric Martlew13/12/1989CarlisleSigned
John Maxton13/12/1989Glasgow, CathcartSigned
John McAllion13/12/1989Dundee EastSigned
Ian McCartney13/12/1989MakerfieldSigned
Henry McLeish13/12/1989Central FifeSigned
Alan Meale13/12/1989MansfieldSigned
Lewis Moonie13/12/1989KirkcaldySigned
Rhodri Morgan13/12/1989Cardiff WestSigned
Paul Murphy13/12/1989TorfaenSigned
Robert Litherland13/12/1989Manchester CentralSigned
George Galloway14/12/1989Glasgow HillheadSigned
Harry Barnes14/12/1989North East DerbyshireSigned
Norman Hogg14/12/1989Cumbernauld & KilsythSigned
Ernie Ross14/12/1989Dundee WestSigned
William McKelvey14/12/1989Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
John McFall15/12/1989DumbartonSigned
Robert Hughes18/12/1989Aberdeen NorthSigned
Terry Lewis18/12/1989WorsleySigned
Bill Michie18/12/1989Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Frank Cook18/12/1989Stockton NorthSigned
Eric Illsley19/12/1989Barnsley CentralSigned
James Wray19/12/1989Glasgow ProvanSigned
John Home Robertson19/12/1989East LothianSigned
Doug Hoyle20/12/1989Warrington NorthSigned
Eddie Loyden20/12/1989Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Bob Cryer21/12/1989Bradford SouthSigned
John Cummings21/12/1989EasingtonSigned
Martin Redmond08/01/1990Don ValleySigned
Robert Parry11/01/1990Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Tommy Graham18/01/1990Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Norman BuchanUnknownWithdrawn

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