Parliament Website

Canon Eric James And BBC Censorship

EDM number 1405 in 1989-90, proposed by Norman Hogg on 16/10/1990.

That this House profoundly regrets the action of the Reverend Ernest Rae, Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC, in censoring the Thought For The Day broadcast which was to have been presented by Canon Eric James on Monday 1st October, dealing with the life of the radical priest John Groser and the spiritual value of revolt; believes that this act of censorship reflects no credit on the BBC and smacks of acquiescence in the face of political bullying; and calls on the Director General of the BBC to dissociate himself from the actions of Mr Rae and to give an assurance the BBC will in future seek to uphold the principle of free speech in both religious and political issues.

This motion has been signed by a total of 30 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.

Norman Hogg16/10/1990Cumbernauld & KilsythProposed
George Howarth16/10/1990Knowsley NorthSeconded
Norman Godman16/10/1990Greenock and Port GlasgowSeconded
Derek Fatchett16/10/1990Leeds CentralSeconded
Ernie Ross16/10/1990Dundee WestSeconded
Maria Fyfe17/10/1990Glasgow, MaryhillSigned
Paul Boateng17/10/1990Brent SouthSigned
Harry Barnes17/10/1990North East DerbyshireSigned
Win Griffiths17/10/1990BridgendSigned
Paul Flynn17/10/1990Newport WestSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie17/10/1990Glasgow, PollokSigned
Lawrence Cunliffe17/10/1990LeighSigned
Bill Michie17/10/1990Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Alan Meale17/10/1990MansfieldSigned
William McKelvey17/10/1990Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
John McAllion17/10/1990Dundee EastSigned
Adam Ingram17/10/1990East KilbrideSigned
Peter Hardy17/10/1990WentworthSigned
John Cummings17/10/1990EasingtonSigned
David Steel22/10/1990Tweeddale, Ettrick and LauderdaleSigned
Andrew Faulds22/10/1990Warley EastSigned
Terry Davis22/10/1990Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Terry Lewis23/10/1990WorsleySigned
Roland Boyes23/10/1990Houghton and WashingtonSigned
John Battle23/10/1990Leeds WestSigned
Gordon Oakes24/10/1990HaltonSigned
Eric Illsley25/10/1990Barnsley CentralSigned
Ian McCartney25/10/1990MakerfieldSigned
Jack Thompson25/10/1990WansbeckSigned
Derek FosterUnknownWithdrawn

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