The London Archaeological Service
EDM number 1361 in 1989-90, proposed by Simon Hughes on 26/07/1990.
That this House registers its concern at proposals made by English Heritage, which will fundamentally alter and perhaps destroy the London Archaeological Service provided by the Museum of London and the Passmore Edwards Museum and which will end the museums' role as advisers to planning authorities by 1991 and remove the establishment grant to the service completely by 1994; recognises that a secure, integrated and locally based service is the only sure way to provide the systematic, long-term archaeological coverage it requires; and calls upon the Government to ensure that English Heritage makes no change to the service until Government and all other relevant bodies have reconsidered these proposals with a view to guaranteeing that all future plans are in the best interests of London's archaeology.
This motion has been signed by a total of 25 MPs.
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