Parliament Website

Mersey Barrage

EDM number 1267 in 1989-90, proposed by David Alton on 11/07/1990.

That this House would welcome a statement from Her Majesty's Government approving the construction of the Mersey Barrage; believes that this project would create a welcome source of renewable energy and bring much needed investment and jobs to the Greater Liverpool Area; congratulates the Mersey Barrage Company for addressing environmental and maritime considerations, for harnessing private and public support and for consolidating cross party political support for this project; and therefore urges the Secretary of State for Energy to give the go ahead at the earliest opportunity.

This motion has been signed by a total of 6 MPs.

David Alton11/07/1990Liverpool Mossley HillProposed
Barry Porter12/07/1990Wirral SouthSigned
George Howarth12/07/1990Knowsley NorthSigned
Alex Carlile12/07/1990MontgomerySigned
Robert Wareing12/07/1990Liverpool, West DerbySigned
Charles Kennedy19/07/1990Ross and Cromarty and SkyeSigned

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