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Business Appointments Of Former Ministers;amdt. Line 9:

EDM number 1075A2 in 1989-90, proposed by Rhodri Morgan on 14/06/1990.

At end add, 'as when the former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on the Board of British Telecom, the Right honourable Member for Chingford, discovers that he is outnumbered by the two ex-Secretaries of State for Trade and Industry on the Board of British Telecom's only domestic competitor, Cable and Wireless, which owns both Mercury and the Hong Kong Telephone Company, thus creating anxiety that our traditional indigenous telephone system will in the future be overrun and outcompeted by new telephone operations still primarily based in distant parts of the colonies and Commonwealth.'.

This is a ammendment to 1075.

This motion has been signed by a total of 1 MPs.

Rhodri Morgan14/06/1990Cardiff WestProposed

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